Annuities: What they are and how they work

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Colin Dodds
Colin Dodds is a writer, editor and filmmaker who has worked with some of the biggest companies in media, technology and finance including Morgan Stanley, Charles Schwab and Bank of America.
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Doug is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst who spent more than 20 years as a derivatives market maker and asset manager before “reincarnating” as a financial media professional a decade ago.
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An annuity is an investment that offers a predictable income stream in retirement. You typically buy an annuity from an insurance company, either by paying one sum up front or by making payments over several years. In exchange, you receive regular payments during your retirement years.

That’s the simple explanation.

But prepare yourself: Annuities can become complicated rather quickly. They come in many forms, with a wide array of customizable features to choose from. With an immediate annuity, you invest and then start receiving payments right away. With a deferred annuity, your income stream begins at a later date. Some annuities offer set income payouts or income payments that increase with inflation, while others set payouts depending on the performance of the markets.

Key Points

  • An annuity offers a predictable income stream in retirement.
  • Annuities come in many forms, and some can be quite complex.
  • You can buy certain guarantees and add-on “riders” for annuities, but they can be expensive.

People buy annuities for several reasons. An annuity can provide a predictable income in retirement. It can protect your money from a market downturn. There’s also a tax advantage—investments within annuities grow on a tax-deferred basis until the income payments begin.

Also, annuity buyers who are willing to pay higher fees for certain contractual concessions (annuity “riders”) can purchase unique protections, such as guaranteed income for life or even a guaranteed payout for their heirs.

How annuities work

When you buy an annuity, you do so with a payment called a premium. In a deferred annuity, the insurer invests the premium in the markets during an accumulation phase, which is followed by the annuitization phase, when you start receiving payments.

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In an immediate annuity, you pay the premium and begin receiving payments right away. All else equal, a deferred annuity will result in a higher monthly payment than an immediate annuity, because that premium will be allowed to compound during the deferment period.

Proponents of annuities point out that the insurance company takes on the market risk, as well as the risk that you’ll outlive your money. But in exchange for taking on these risks, the insurance company charges higher fees than most investment products. And then there are riders—those optional alterations to the basic annuity contract designed to meet your specific needs. As a general rule, the more protections an annuity provides, the higher the fees will be.

Types of annuities

  • Life annuity. A lifetime annuity offers benefits similar to a traditional pension plan. In exchange for a single lump-sum payment, a life annuity provides income for your entire life, and can even provide income for the lifespan of another person such as a spouse. But once invested, that lump sum is either impossible or costly to get back.
  • Fixed annuity. With a fixed annuity, the investor buys two guarantees from the insurer. The first is that the money put into the annuity will increase—or at least not decrease—in value, regardless of what the markets do. The second is that the income provided by the annuity will either remain steady or grow at an agreed-upon rate.
  • Variable annuity. Investors can purchase a variable annuity with a lump sum or a series of payments. That money goes into an account with a wide range of investment options, which grows on a tax-deferred basis. The income payments these annuities deliver can go up or down depending on how those investments perform.
  • Indexed annuity. Like a variable annuity, an indexed annuity offers income based on investment returns. But while the income in a variable annuity is based on investments you choose, the income provided by an indexed annuity is based on the growth or decline of a stock index such as the S&P 500. The relationship between the income payments and the performance of the index is determined by a complex formula.

The bottom line

Annuities come in many shapes and sizes. And although they can make sense for investors who want a steady flow of income in retirement, they’re not for everyone. The idea of a guarantee can be attractive, but it’s important to consider the associated fees.

Because annuity contracts can be complicated, it’s important to carefully read through the fine print and seek advice from a trusted professional or other knowledgeable party. Once you buy an annuity, it can be difficult or costly to change your mind and get your money back. But if you do find one that offers the right mix of growth, stability, and reasonable fees, an annuity can help make your finances in retirement predictable and relatively stress free.