Entertainment & Pop CultureGeography & TravelHealth & MedicineLifestyles & Social IssuesLiteratureMoneyPhilosophy & ReligionPolitics, Law & GovernmentScienceSports & RecreationTechnologyVisual ArtsWorld History
Disney Company summary
Disney Company, U.S.
accounting summary
accounting, Systematic development and analysis of information...
advertising summary
advertising, Techniques and practices used to bring products,...
Airbus S.A.S. summary
Airbus S.A.S., European aircraft manufacturer that is the world’s...
ABC summary
ABC, in full American Broadcasting Co. , Major U.S.
American Express Co. summary
American Express Co., U.S.
Apple Inc. summary
Apple Inc., formerly Apple Computer, Inc. , Microcomputer design...
AT&T Inc. summary
AT&T Inc., formerly American Telephone and Telegraph Co. , U.S.
auction summary
auction, Buying and selling of property through open public...
Austrian school of economics summary
Austrian school of economics, Body of economic theory developed...
BAE Systems summary
BAE Systems, British manufacturer of aircraft, missiles, avionics,...
bank summary
bank, Institution that deals in money and its substitutes and...
economic system summary
economic system, Set of principles and techniques by which a...
economics summary
economics, Social science that analyzes and describes the consequences...
government budget summary
government budget, Forecast of governmental expenditures and...
industrial relations summary
industrial relations, or organizational relations , Study of...
insurance summary
insurance, Contract that, by redistributing risk among a large...
marketing summary
marketing, Activities that direct the flow of goods and services...
money summary
money, Commodity accepted by general consent as a medium of...
social security summary
social security, Public provision for the economic security...
Organization of American States summary
Organization of American States (OAS), International organization...
BP PLC summary
BP PLC, formerly Anglo-Persian Oil Co., Ltd., British Petroleum...
consumer price index summary
consumer price index (CPI), Measure of living costs based on...
e-commerce summary
e-commerce, in full electronic commerce , business-to-consumer...
General Motors Corp. summary
General Motors Corp. (GM), U.S.
gross domestic product summary
gross domestic product (GDP), Total market value of the goods...
jizya summary
jizya, or jizyah , Poll tax that early Islamic rulers demanded...
manorialism summary
manorialism, or seignorialism , Political, economic, and social...
Philips Electronics NV summary
Philips Electronics NV, in full Royal Philips Electronics NV...
Tennessee Valley Authority summary
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA), U.S.
Texas Instruments, Inc. summary
Texas Instruments, Inc. (TI), U.S.
Volkswagen AG summary
Volkswagen AG (VW), Major German automobile manufacturer.
Energia summary
Energia, also called RKK Energia formerly OKB-1 , Russian aerospace...
Chrysler summary
Chrysler, U.S.
euro summary
euro, Single currency of 18 countries of the European Union...
Facebook summary
Facebook, American company offering online social networking...
Facebook summary
Facebook, American company offering online social networking...
defense economics summary
defense economics, Field of national economic management concerned...
economic development summary
economic development, Process whereby simple, low-income national...
security summary
security, In finance, written evidence of ownership conferring...
socialism summary
socialism, System of social organization in which private property...
money market summary
money market, Set of institutions, conventions, and practices...
Labour Party summary
Labour Party, British political party whose historic links with...
Intel Corp. summary
Intel Corp., U.S.
Motorola, Inc. summary
Motorola, Inc., U.S.
Ford Motor Co. summary
Ford Motor Co., U.S.
De Beers S.A. summary
De Beers S.A., World’s largest producer and distributor of diamonds.
monetary policy summary
monetary policy, Measures employed by governments to influence...
Daimler AG summary
Daimler AG, German automotive manufacturer.
land reform summary
land reform, Deliberate change in the way agricultural land...
Motown summary
Motown, U.S.
Citigroup summary
Citigroup, U.S.
Sony Corp. summary
Sony Corp., Major Japanese manufacturer of consumer electronics.
Sears, Roebuck and Company summary
Sears, Roebuck and Company, U.S.
tariff summary
tariff, or customs duty , Tax levied upon goods as they cross...
Henry Ford summary
Henry Ford, (born July 30, 1863, Wayne county, Mich., U.S.—died...
chartered company summary
chartered company, Type of corporation that evolved in the 16th...
property summary
property, In law, something that is owned or possessed.
trademark summary
trademark, Mark used by a manufacturer or merchant to identify...
political economy summary
political economy, Academic discipline that explores the relationship...
business law summary
business law, or commercial law or mercantile law , Legal rules...
commerce clause summary
commerce clause, In the Constitution of the United States (Article...
contract summary
contract, Agreement between two or more parties that creates...
embargo summary
embargo, Legal action by a government or group of governments...
NBC summary
NBC, in full National Broadcasting Co. , Major U.S.
welfare summary
welfare, or social welfare , Any of a variety of governmental...
consumerism summary
consumerism, Movement or policies aimed at regulating the products,...
Hewlett-Packard Co. summary
Hewlett-Packard Co., U.S.
Novartis AG summary
Novartis AG, Swiss pharmaceutical company.
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp. summary
Twentieth Century-Fox Film Corp., U.S.
bankruptcy summary
bankruptcy, Status of a debtor who has been declared by judicial...
corporation summary
corporation, Specific legal form of organization of persons...
Hudson’s Bay Co. summary
Hudson’s Bay Co., Corporation prominent in Canadian economic...
TRW Inc. summary
TRW Inc., U.S.
apprenticeship summary
apprenticeship, Training in an art, trade, or craft under a...
Boeing Co. summary
Boeing Co., Major U.S.
chamber of commerce summary
chamber of commerce, or commercial association , Any of various...
economic growth summary
economic growth, Process by which a nation’s wealth increases...
economic planning summary
economic planning, Use of government to make economic decisions...
economic stabilizer summary
economic stabilizer, Any of the institutions and practices in...
fiscal policy summary
fiscal policy, Measures employed by governments to stabilize...
futures summary
futures, Commercial contracts calling for the purchase or sale...
inflation summary
inflation, In economics, increases in the level of prices.
Lockheed Martin Corp. summary
Lockheed Martin Corp., U.S.
market summary
market, Means by which buyers and sellers are brought into contact...
price index summary
price index, Measure of change in a set of prices, consisting...
Rolls-Royce PLC summary
Rolls-Royce PLC, British manufacturer of aircraft engines and...
supply and demand summary
supply and demand, Relationship between the quantity of a commodity...
foreign exchange summary
foreign exchange, Purchase or sale of one national currency...
gold standard summary
gold standard, Monetary system in which the standard unit of...
Nestlé SA summary
Nestlé SA, Multinational manufacturer of food products.
rent summary
rent, In common usage, payment made in return for the right...
NEC Corp. summary
NEC Corp., Major Japanese computer, electronics, and telecommunications...
Federal Reserve System summary
Federal Reserve System, U.S.
income tax summary
income tax, Levy imposed by public authority on the incomes...
IBM Corp. summary
IBM Corp., in full International Business Machines Corporation...
labour economics summary
labour economics, Study of how workers are allocated among jobs,...
macroeconomics summary
macroeconomics, Study of the entire economy in terms of the...
migrant labour summary
migrant labour, Semiskilled or unskilled workers who move from...
physiocrat summary
physiocrat, Member of a school of economics, founded in 18th-century...
production management summary
production management, or operations management , Planning,...
productivity summary
productivity, In economics, a measure of productive efficiency...
property tax summary
property tax, Levy imposed on real estate (land and buildings)...
sales tax summary
sales tax, Levy imposed on the sale of goods and services.
Toyota Motor Corp. summary
Toyota Motor Corp., Largest Japanese automobile manufacturer...
Wells Fargo & Co. summary
Wells Fargo & Co., Leading U.S.
work summary
work, In economics and sociology, the activities and labour...
Xerox Corp. summary
Xerox Corp., Major U.S.
audit summary
audit, Examination of the records and reports of an enterprise...
business cycle summary
business cycle, Periodic fluctuation in the rate of economic...
business finance summary
business finance, Raising and managing of funds by business...
capitalism summary
capitalism, or free-market economy or free-enterprise system...
central bank summary
central bank, Institution, such as the U.S.
Coca-Cola Co. summary
Coca-Cola Co., U.S.
consumption summary
consumption, In economics, the final using up of goods and services.
credit card summary
credit card, Small card that authorizes the person named on...
DuPont Co. summary
DuPont Co., in full E.I.
econometrics summary
econometrics, Statistical and mathematical analysis of economic...
economic forecasting summary
economic forecasting, Prediction of future economic activity...
mortgage summary
mortgage, In Anglo-American law, the method by which a debtor...
trust summary
trust, In law, a relationship between parties in which one,...
employee training summary
employee training, or job training or occupational training...
foreign aid summary
foreign aid, Transfer of capital, goods, or services from one...
Microsoft Corp. summary
Microsoft Corp., U.S.