PEOPLE KNOWN FOR: mathematics

429 Biographies
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Isaac Newton
English physicist and mathematician
Isaac Newton English physicist and mathematician who was the culminating figure of the Scientific Revolution of the 17th century. In optics, his discovery of the composition of white light integrated the...
Italian philosopher, astronomer and mathematician
Galileo Italian natural philosopher, astronomer, and mathematician who made fundamental contributions to the sciences of motion, astronomy, and strength of materials and to the development of the scientific...
Bertrand Russell
British logician and philosopher
Bertrand Russell was a British philosopher, logician, and social reformer, a founding figure in the analytic movement in Anglo-American philosophy, and recipient of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950....
Alfred North Whitehead
British mathematician and philosopher
Alfred North Whitehead English mathematician and philosopher who collaborated with Bertrand Russell on Principia Mathematica (1910–13) and, from the mid-1920s, taught at Harvard University and developed...
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
German philosopher and mathematician
Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz was a German philosopher, mathematician, and political adviser, important both as a metaphysician and as a logician and distinguished also for his independent invention of the...
Blaise Pascal
French philosopher and scientist
Blaise Pascal was a French mathematician, physicist, religious philosopher, and master of prose. He laid the foundation for the modern theory of probabilities, formulated what came to be known as Pascal’s...
German scientist and philosopher
Hermann von Helmholtz German scientist and philosopher who made fundamental contributions to physiology, optics, electrodynamics, mathematics, and meteorology. He is best known for his statement of the...
Werner Heisenberg
German physicist and philosopher
Werner Heisenberg German physicist and philosopher who discovered (1925) a way to formulate quantum mechanics in terms of matrices. For that discovery, he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics for 1932....
Greek mathematician
Archimedes the most famous mathematician and inventor in ancient Greece. Archimedes is especially important for his discovery of the relation between the surface and volume of a sphere and its circumscribing...
Kelvin, William Thomson, Baron
Scottish engineer, mathematician, and physicist
William Thomson, Baron Kelvin Scottish engineer, mathematician, and physicist who profoundly influenced the scientific thought of his generation. Thomson, who was knighted and raised to the peerage in...
Giordano Bruno
Italian philosopher
Giordano Bruno was an Italian philosopher, astronomer, mathematician, and occultist whose theories anticipated modern science. The most notable of these were his theories of the infinite universe and the...
John von Neumann
American mathematician
John von Neumann Hungarian-born American mathematician. As an adult, he appended von to his surname; the hereditary title had been granted his father in 1913. Von Neumann grew from child prodigy to one...
Jean Le Rond d'Alembert.
French mathematician and philosopher
Jean Le Rond d’Alembert was a French mathematician, philosopher, and writer, who achieved fame as a mathematician and scientist before acquiring a considerable reputation as a contributor to and editor...
Greek mathematician
Euclid was the most prominent mathematician of Greco-Roman antiquity, best known for his treatise on geometry, the Elements. Of Euclid’s life nothing is known except what the Greek philosopher Proclus...
Sylvester II, detail from the ivory vessel used at the consecration of Otto III, 996; in the Domschatzkammer des Aachener Domes, Aachen, Ger.
Sylvester II was the French head of the Roman Catholic church (999–1003), renowned for his scholarly achievements, his advances in education, and his shrewd political judgment. He was the first Frenchman...
Henri Poincaré, 1909.
French mathematician
Henri Poincaré was a French mathematician, one of the greatest mathematicians and mathematical physicists at the end of 19th century. He made a series of profound innovations in geometry, the theory of...
Gottlob Frege
German mathematician and philosopher
Gottlob Frege was a German mathematician and logician, who founded modern mathematical logic. Working on the borderline between philosophy and mathematics—viz., in the philosophy of mathematics and mathematical...
Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer
Ptolemy was an Egyptian astronomer, mathematician, and geographer of Greek descent who flourished in Alexandria during the 2nd century ce. In several fields his writings represent the culminating achievement...
Alan Turing
British mathematician and logician
Alan Turing was a British mathematician and logician who made major contributions to mathematics, cryptanalysis, logic, philosophy, and mathematical biology and also to the new areas later named computer...
Theodore von Kármán
American engineer
Theodore von Kármán was a Hungarian-born American research engineer best known for his pioneering work in the use of mathematics and the basic sciences in aeronautics and astronautics. His laboratory at...
Kurt Gödel
American mathematician
Kurt Gödel was an Austrian-born mathematician, logician, and philosopher who obtained what may be the most important mathematical result of the 20th century: his famous incompleteness theorem, which states...
Carl Friedrich Gauss
German mathematician
Carl Friedrich Gauss German mathematician, generally regarded as one of the greatest mathematicians of all time for his contributions to number theory, geometry, probability theory, geodesy, planetary...
Roger Bacon
English philosopher and scientist
Roger Bacon was an English Franciscan philosopher and educational reformer who was a major medieval proponent of experimental science. Bacon studied mathematics, astronomy, optics, alchemy, and languages....
Fermat, portrait by Roland Lefèvre; in the Narbonne City Museums, France
French mathematician
Pierre de Fermat was a French mathematician who is often called the founder of the modern theory of numbers. Together with René Descartes, Fermat was one of the two leading mathematicians of the first...
Georg Cantor
German mathematician
Georg Cantor was a German mathematician who founded set theory and introduced the mathematically meaningful concept of transfinite numbers, indefinitely large but distinct from one another. Cantor’s parents...
Edmond Halley
British scientist
Edmond Halley was an English astronomer and mathematician who was the first to calculate the orbit of a comet later named after him. He is also noted for his role in the publication of Isaac Newton’s Philosophiae...
Polish logician and mathematician
Stanisław Leśniewski was a Polish logician and mathematician who was a co-founder and leading representative of the Warsaw school of logic. Leśniewski was the son of one of the civil engineers chiefly...
Christiaan Huygens
Dutch scientist and mathematician
Christiaan Huygens was a Dutch mathematician, astronomer, and physicist, who founded the wave theory of light, discovered the true shape of the rings of Saturn, and made original contributions to the science...
Irish mathematician and astronomer
Sir William Rowan Hamilton was an Irish mathematician who contributed to the development of optics, dynamics, and algebra—in particular, discovering the algebra of quaternions. His work proved significant...
Bernhard Riemann, lithograph after a portrait, artist unknown, 1863.
German mathematician
Bernhard Riemann was a German mathematician whose profound and novel approaches to the study of geometry laid the mathematical foundation for Albert Einstein’s theory of relativity. He also made important...
Nikolay Ivanovich Lobachevsky, detail of a portrait by an unknown artist.
Russian mathematician
Nikolay Ivanovich Lobachevsky was a Russian mathematician and founder of non-Euclidean geometry, which he developed independently of János Bolyai and Carl Gauss. (Lobachevsky’s first publication on this...
Paul Erdős
Hungarian mathematician
Paul Erdős Hungarian “freelance” mathematician (known for his work in number theory and combinatorics) and legendary eccentric who was arguably the most prolific mathematician of the 20th century, in terms...
Arthur Stanley Eddington.
British scientist
Arthur Eddington was an English astronomer, physicist, and mathematician who did his greatest work in astrophysics, investigating the motion, internal structure, and evolution of stars. He also was the...
Leonhard Euler
Swiss mathematician
Leonhard Euler was a Swiss mathematician and physicist, one of the founders of pure mathematics. He not only made decisive and formative contributions to the subjects of geometry, calculus, mechanics,...
Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov, 1966.
Russian mathematician
Andrey Nikolayevich Kolmogorov was a Russian mathematician whose work influenced many branches of modern mathematics, especially harmonic analysis, probability, set theory, information theory, and number...
John Herschel
English astronomer
Sir John Herschel, 1st Baronet was an English astronomer and successor to his father, Sir William Herschel, in the field of stellar and nebular observation and discovery. An only child, John was educated...
Laplace, Pierre-Simon, marquis de
French scientist and mathematician
Pierre-Simon, marquis de Laplace was a French mathematician, astronomer, and physicist who was best known for his investigations into the stability of the solar system. Laplace successfully accounted for...
John Napier
Scottish mathematician
John Napier was a Scottish mathematician and theological writer who originated the concept of logarithms as a mathematical device to aid in calculations. At the age of 13, Napier entered the University...
Greek mathematician and astronomer
Eudoxus of Cnidus was a Greek mathematician and astronomer who substantially advanced proportion theory, contributed to the identification of constellations and thus to the development of observational...
Greek mathematician
Apollonius of Perga was a mathematician, known by his contemporaries as “the Great Geometer,” whose treatise Conics is one of the greatest scientific works from the ancient world. Most of his other treatises...
Italian mathematician
Fibonacci was a medieval Italian mathematician who wrote Liber abaci (1202; “Book of the Abacus”), the first European work on Indian and Arabian mathematics, which introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals to Europe....
French bishop, scholar, and economist
Nicholas Oresme was a French Roman Catholic bishop, scholastic philosopher, economist, and mathematician whose work provided some basis for the development of modern mathematics and science and of French...
Évariste Galois, detail of an engraving, 1848, after a drawing by Alfred Galois.
French mathematician
Évariste Galois was a French mathematician famous for his contributions to the part of higher algebra now known as group theory. His theory provided a solution to the long-standing question of determining...
Simon Newcomb, c. 1905.
American astronomer and mathematician
Simon Newcomb was a Canadian-born American astronomer and mathematician who prepared ephemerides—tables of computed places of celestial bodies over a period of time—and tables of astronomical constants....
Gaspard Monge, detail of an oil painting by Jean Naigeon, 1811; in the Museum of Fine Arts, Beaune, France.
French mathematician and public official
Gaspard Monge, count de Péluse was a French mathematician who invented descriptive geometry, the study of the mathematical principles of representing three-dimensional objects in a two-dimensional plane;...
Charles Steinmetz.
American engineer
Charles Proteus Steinmetz was a German-born American electrical engineer whose ideas on alternating current systems helped inaugurate the electrical era in the United States. At birth Steinmetz was afflicted...
David Hilbert
German mathematician
David Hilbert was a German mathematician who reduced geometry to a series of axioms and contributed substantially to the establishment of the formalistic foundations of mathematics. His work in 1909 on...
Persian poet and astronomer
Omar Khayyam was a Persian mathematician, astronomer, and poet, renowned in his own country and time for his scientific achievements but chiefly known to English-speaking readers through the translation...
German mathematician
Richard Dedekind was a German mathematician who developed a major redefinition of irrational numbers in terms of arithmetic concepts. Although not fully recognized in his lifetime, his treatment of the...
Serbian mathematician and geophysicist
Milutin Milankovitch Serbian mathematician and geophysicist, best known for his work that linked long-term changes in climate to astronomical factors affecting the amount of solar energy received at Earth’s...