27th or 26th century bce, Memphis, Egypt
c.2700 BCE - c.2601 BCE
Top Questions

What role did Imhotep play at the court of King Djoser?

What did Imhotep accomplish as an architect?

When did Imhotep become a deity?

Imhotep (born 27th or 26th century bce, Memphis, Egypt) was a vizier, sage, architect, astrologer, and chief minister to Djoser (reigned c. 2592–c. 2566 bce), the first king of Egypt’s third dynasty, who was later worshipped as the god of medicine in Egypt and in Greece, where he was identified with the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius. He is considered to have been the architect of the step pyramid built at the necropolis of Ṣaqqārah in the city of Memphis. The oldest extant monument of hewn stone known to the world, the pyramid consists of six steps and attains a ...(100 of 385 words)