What causes currency exchange rates to rise and fall?

Money never sits still.
Written by
Karl Montevirgen
Karl Montevirgen is a professional freelance writer who specializes in the fields of finance, cryptomarkets, content strategy, and the arts. Karl works with several organizations in the equities, futures, physical metals, and blockchain industries. He holds FINRA Series 3 and Series 34 licenses in addition to a dual MFA in critical studies/writing and music composition from the California Institute of the Arts.
Fact-checked by
Doug Ashburn
Doug is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst who spent more than 20 years as a derivatives market maker and asset manager before “reincarnating” as a financial media professional a decade ago.
Currency values and national flags on a digital display.
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Currency values are always relative.
© bankoo/stock.adobe.com

We all know what money is. It’s what we use to buy and sell goods and services and, from a savings and investing standpoint, it’s how we keep score of (i.e., place a value on) the assets we own.

But how much does money cost? That might sound like a strange question, because we typically associate price tags with goods and services, not money itself.

But money does have a price tag. It’s called an exchange rate, and in the global currency market, it’s always in relation to another currency.

  • The value of a currency relative to another is reflected in the exchange rate.
  • Inflation, interest rates, trade balance, and a country’s overall economic and political stability can influence its exchange rates.
  • Fluctuations in a currency’s value can indicate a country’s overall economic health.

Exchange rates: The price of money

Think of an exchange rate as a price tag for purchasing one currency with another. For example: What does a dollar cost? It depends on the country where you’re asking the question.

For someone from Germany or France, as of June 2023, the answer would be 91.7 euro cents. (Note: The global currency market deals in big numbers, where fractions of pennies make a real difference.)

  • This would be listed as USD/EUR: 0.9170, or 1 USD = 0.917 EUR.

We can flip that around and view it from the opposite perspective. So if an American wants to know how much a euro costs, as of June 2023, it’s one dollar and nine cents.

  • The exchange rate would be EUR/USD 1.09, or 1 EUR = 1.09 USD.

So there you have it: The price tag for buying dollars with euros or euros with dollars, aka the “exchange rate.” Notice that 0.917 is the inverse of 1.09 and vice versa. That’s not a coincidence; it’s how currency pairs work. It’s simply the ratio of one relative to the other, no matter which currency pair you’re looking at.

As of June 2023, a British pound costs $1.28. So how much does a dollar cost for a Londoner? About 78 pence. And if you’re vacationing in Niagara Falls—and crisscrossing both sides of the border—a U.S. dollar will cost C$1.321, while a Canadian dollar will cost 1/1.321 = $0.757, or 75.7 cents (USD).

And so on.

Why do currency pairs have different exchange rates?

The value of a country’s currency depends on several factors, but ultimately, it all boils down to global supply and demand.

The greater the demand for a country’s currency, the higher its value or exchange rate tends to be in the global market. The opposite is also true. If demand for a currency falls, its value will decrease.

What factors affect supply and demand?

  • Inflation. Inflation erodes the real value (i.e., purchasing power) of a currency. Countries with lower inflation rates tend to experience greater currency demand relative to other countries with higher inflation rates.
  • Interest rates. By setting its country’s policy rate (i.e., the Fed funds rate in the U.S.), a central bank can indirectly influence the interest rates that banks may charge consumers. This ultimately affects interest rates across the broader economy and, in turn, the yields on bonds and other interest rate products. So if a country’s interest-bearing assets offer higher yields, investors can earn more money by investing in those assets, making them more attractive than comparable products offered by countries with lower interest rates.
  • Trade balance. When you buy a foreign good—a watch from Switzerland, a car from Japan, etc.—you’re essentially selling your dollars in order to buy it. It would stand to reason, then, that a country that imports more than it exports would—all things equal—have a weaker currency. But it’s complicated. Americans import more than we export, but our capital markets—from ultra-safe Treasury bonds to shares of U.S. stocks—are in demand across the world, and it’s dollars that buy them.

Other factors, including economic stability, political stability, public debt, and even speculation, can also influence the direction of exchange rates. These factors are dynamic, and they interact with one another in complex ways. But ultimately, a currency’s exchange rate boils down to supply and demand, plus expectations for future supply and demand.

Brexit: An example of exchange rate dynamics in action

One example of extreme currency volatility caused by widespread macroeconomic and geopolitical uncertainty was that of the British pound (GBP) falling 12% against the euro (EUR) starting on June 23, 2016, as a result of the referendum vote for the United Kingdom to leave the European Union (“Brexit”).

A price chart shows GBP falling compared to EUR after Brexit.
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Figure 1: EXIT THE UNION, ENTER VOLATILITY. Between June 24 and July 7, 2016, the British pound fell 12% versus the euro (GBP/EUR) after the United Kingdom voted to leave the European Union.
Source: StockCharts.com

Why such a dramatic plunge? The vote’s outcome took the market by surprise. With nearly 52% of all participants voting for Brexit, public opinion was virtually split down the middle, and the market outcome immediately proved unfavorable.

Investors were suddenly unsure about Britain’s economic future and how trade relations might play out following the exit. Some participants thought Brexit would negatively affect the UK’s economy, while others were simply unsure. As a result, many participants sold their British pound holdings, anticipating further declines.

What does it mean when one currency in a pair rises or falls?

The value of a currency is always in relation to another currency. So if a currency rises or falls against another, it can mean several things.

For example, let’s take the EUR/USD pair (euro against the US dollar). If the euro were to rise, there could be more than one way to interpret the move:

  • The euro might be strengthening at a faster rate against the dollar (which might also be strengthening in relation to other currencies).
  • The euro might be strengthening while the dollar is generally moving sideways.
  • The euro might be strengthening against a weakening dollar.
  • The euro might be moving sideways against other currencies while the dollar is falling.
  • Both currencies might be falling, with the dollar falling faster.

As you can see, a rise in the euro exchange rate compared to the dollar isn’t as straightforward as it might seem. This is because a country’s currency acts like a barometer of (or proxy for) its overall economic health in terms of global trade and investment. So when you trade currencies as an investment, it’s essentially a statement about your view on the overall economic conditions of the countries involved.

The bottom line

The cost of any currency is expressed in its exchange rate, which is like a currency’s price tag. The rise or fall of the exchange rate itself depends on several factors, including inflation, interest rates, trade balance, and overall economic and political stability. Currency pairs have different exchange rates because the global demand for each currency—meaning the demand for the country’s goods or financial assets—varies.

Not only that, but currency fluctuations can yield multiple interpretations. Yes, it’s complex, but only as complex as what a currency represents—the dynamics of a country’s economy.