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cuckoopint, (Arum maculatum), tuberous herb of the arum family (Araceae), native to southern Europe and northern Africa. Like many other aroids, cuckoopint contains a bitter, sometimes poisonous, sap; the red berries are particularly toxic. In England, where it is common in woods and hedgerows, it is also known as wake-robin.
Physical description
The cuckoopint grows from a whitish rootstock, which sends up in the spring a few long-stalked arrow-shaped polished green leaves, often marked with dark blotches. These are followed by the fleshy spadix (spikelike structure) bearing in the lower part numerous tiny unisexual flowers and continued above into a purplish or yellowish appendage. The spadix is enveloped by a whitish or purplish spathe (leaflike showy flower part enclosing the real flowers) 10–25 cm (6–10 inches) long. As the fruit ripens, the spathe withers, and the berries are exposed.
The cuckoopint plant is noted for its unusual pollination strategy. It attracts minute flies by means of a fetid smell. This odour is generated in the early evening along with considerable heat, which helps to volatilize the chemicals. Flies visiting the plant enter the floral trap of the spathe through a zone of bristles and then fall into a smooth-walled floral chamber from which escape is impossible. Gorging themselves on a nutritious stigmatic secretion produced by the female flowers at the base of the spadix, the trapped flies effect cross-pollination if they have previously visited another cuckoopint. At night the female stigmas no longer function, and the male flowers, situated much higher on the spadix, release a rain of pollen onto the insects. The next day, when smell, heat, and food are gone, the pollen-laden insects are allowed to escape by a wilting of the bristles. Usually the escaped flies are soon recaptured by another inflorescence, which is still in the smelly receptive stage, and cross-pollination again ensues. Superb timing mechanisms underlie these events. The heat-generating metabolic process in the inflorescence is triggered by a hormone, calorigen, originating in the male flower buds only under the right conditions.
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