Finland: References & Edit History

Additional Reading

General works

Overviews are provided in Laura Kolbe (ed.), Portraying Finland: Facts and Insights, trans. by Malcom Hicks and William Moore, 2nd rev. ed (2008); Päivi Elovainio, Facts About Finland, 3rd ed. (2002); Max Engman and David Kirby (eds.), Finland: People, Nation, State (1989); Eric Solsten and Sandra W. Meditz (eds.), Finland: A Country Study, 2nd ed. (1990); and Finland Handbook (annual), published by the Finnish Tourist Board.


W.R. Mead, An Historical Geography of Scandinavia (1981); and Kalevi Rikkinen, A Geography of Finland, trans. from Finnish (1992), provide comprehensive surveys. A broad interpretive treatment, with a look at the social customs of Finland, is found in Philip Ward, Finnish Cities: Travels in Helsinki, Turku, Tampere, and Lapland (1987).

Ethnological studies include Aurélien Sauvageot, Les Anciens Finnois (1961); and William A. Wilson, Folklore and Nationalism in Modern Finland (1976). Social life and customs are explored in Aini Rajanen, Of Finnish Ways (1981); Caj Bremer and Antero Raevuori, The World of the Sauna (1986; originally published in Finnish, 1985); Antti Tuuri, The Face of Finland, ed. by Pauli Kojo, trans. from Finnish (1983); and Anneke Lipsanen, The Finnish Folk Year: A Perpetual Diary & Book of Days, Ways, and Customs (1987).

Finland’s economy is discussed in Fred Singleton, The Economy of Finland in the Twentieth Century (1986); Riitta Hjerppe, The Finnish Economy, 1860–1985: Growth and Structural Change (1989; originally published in Finnish, 1988); Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, Reviews of National Science and Technology Policy: Finland (1987); Environmental High-Technology from Finland (1986), published by the Ministry of the Environment; Economic Survey (annual), published by the Ministry of Finance; and Finnish Industry, rev. ed. (1982), an overview of developments, published by the Bank of Finland.

Government and politics are analyzed in D.G. Kirby, Finland in the Twentieth Century (1979); Anthony F. Upton, Peter P. Rohoe, and A. Sparring, Communism in Scandinavia and Finland (also published as The Communist Parties of Scandinavia and Finland, 1973); Juhani Mylly and R. Michael Berry (eds.), Political Parties in Finland (1984); David Arter, Politics and Policy-Making in Finland (1987); Risto Alapuro, State and Revolution in Finland (1988); Max Jakobson, Finland in the New Europe (1998); and Jorma selovuori, Power and Bureaucracy in Finland, 1809–1998, trans. from Finnish (1999). David Arter, Scandinavian Politics Today, 2nd ed. (2008), describes and analyzes the politics of Finland and its Scandinavian neighbours.

Finnish architecture and design are discussed in J.M. Richards, 800 Years of Finnish Architecture (1978); Erik Kruskopf, Finnish Design, 1875–1975: 100 Years of Finnish Industrial Design (1975); Elizabeth Gaynor, Finland, Living Design (1984, reissued 1995); Jaakko Lintinen et al., Finnish Vision: Modern Art, Architecture, and Design, trans. from Finnish (1983); Marianne Aav and Nina Stritzler-Levine (eds.), Finnish Modern Design: Utopian Ideals and Everyday Realities, 1930–1997 (1998); and Kenneth Frampton, “The Legacy of Alvar Aalto: Evolution and Influence,” in Peter Reed (ed.), Alvar Aalto: Between Humanism and Materialism (1998). Other studies of national art and culture include John Boulton Smith, The Golden Age of Finnish Art: Art Nouveau and the National Spirit, 2nd rev. ed. (1985); Marianne Aav and Kaj Kalin, Form Finland, trans. from Finnish (1986), on decorative arts; Jaakko Ahokas, A History of Finnish Literature (1973); Matti Kuusi, Keith Bosley, and Michael Branch (eds. and trans.), Finnish Folk Poetry: Epic: An Anthology in Finnish and English (1977); Bo Carpelan, Veijo Meri, and Matti Suurpää (eds.), A Way to Measure Time: Contemporary Finnish Literature, trans. from Finnish (1992); Kai Laitinen, Literature of Finland: An Outline, 2nd ed., trans. from Finnish (1994); Kalevala, ed. by Aivi Gallen-Kallela and trans. by W.F. Kirby (1986), a jubilee edition of the national epic, illustrated by Akseli Gallen-Kallela; The Kalevala: Epic of the Finnish People, trans. by Eino Friberg and ed. by George C. Schoolfield (1988); Antony Hodgson, Scandinavian Music: Finland & Sweden (1984); Paavo Helistö, Music in Finland (1980); Maija Savutie, Finnish Theatre: A Northern Part of World Theatre, trans. from Finnish (1980); and Rauno Endén, Yleisradio, 1926–1949: A History of Broadcasting in Finland, trans. from Finnish (1996). Jan Sjåvik, Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater (2006); and Arnold L. Weinstein, Northern Arts: The Breakthrough of Scandinavian Literature and Art, from Ibsen to Bergman (2008), both include coverage of Finnish art and literature.


General works on Finnish history include Henrik Meinander, A History of Finland, trans. by Tom Geddes (2011); John H. Wuorinen, A History of Finland (1965); Eino Jutikkala and Kauko Pirinen, A History of Finland, trans. by Paul Sjöblom, 6th rev. ed. (2003; originally published in Finnish, 1966); Eino Jutikkala, Atlas of Finnish History, 2nd rev. ed. (1959); Byron J. Nordstrom (ed.), Dictionary of Scandinavian History (1986); Fred Singleton, A Short History of Finland, revised and updated by A.F. Upton (2005); and Matti Klinge, A Brief History of Finland, trans. from Finnish, 10th ed. (1997).

More detailed discussions of events in the 19th and 20th centuries are available in Juhani Paasivirta, Finland and Europe: International Crises in the Period of Autonomy, 1808–1914, ed. and abridged by D.G. Kirby (1981; originally published in Finnish, 1978); L.A. Puntila, The Political History of Finland, 1809–1966 (1974; originally published in Finnish, 5th rev. and improved ed., 1971); Anthony F. Upton, The Finnish Revolution, 1917–1918 (1980), a comprehensive analysis, and Finland, 1939–1940 (1974); Max Jakobson, Finland Survived: An Account of the Finnish-Soviet Winter War, 1939–1940, 2nd enlarged ed. (1984); Philip Jowett, Finland at War, 1939–45; and Henrik O. Lunde, Finland’s War of Choice: The Troubled German-Finnish Coalition in World War II (2011).

Foreign relations are the main topic of Tuomo Polvinen, Between East and West: Finland in International Politics, 1944–1947, ed. and trans. by D.G. Kirby and Peter Herring (1986; originally published in Finnish, 3 vol., 1979–81); Roy Allison, Finland’s Relations with the Soviet Union, 1944–1984 (1985); R. Michael Berry, American Foreign Policy and the Finnish Exception (1987); and Max Jakobson, Finland: Myth and Reality (1987). The Yearbook of Finnish Foreign Policy, published by the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, is another helpful source.

Susan Ruth LarsonThe Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica

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  • Fanny Johansson

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Article History

Type Description Contributor Date
Updated currency exchange rate. Apr 09, 2024
Country Profile: Updated Head of state. Apr 03, 2024
Corrected display issue. Oct 30, 2023
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Aug 23, 2023
Noted that Petteri Orpo became prime minister in June 2023. Aug 23, 2023
Link added. Jul 14, 2023
Links added. Apr 28, 2023
In the History section, added descriptions of the Finnish response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Finland's accession to NATO membership, and the results of the April 2023 parliamentary elections. Apr 04, 2023
Country Profile: Cross-reference added. Feb 06, 2023
Country Profile: Cross-reference added. Jan 25, 2023
Invalidated site: Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids - Finland Facts for Kids. Mar 10, 2021
Added a description of Siplä's tenure in office and of events surrounding the April 2019 national election. Dec 12, 2019
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Dec 12, 2019
In the History section, changed "Vayrynen" to "Väyrynen." Nov 02, 2018
Country Profile: Expanded country profile. Jan 30, 2018
Add new Web site: Easy Science for Kids - Finland. Dec 06, 2016
Add new Web site: Science Kids - Fun Science and Technology for Kids - Finland Facts for Kids. Dec 06, 2016
Added a description of the cyber attack on Finland's Ministry of Defense in March 2016. Nov 14, 2016
Added locator map to the introduction. Nov 08, 2016
In the Trade section, added the U.S., China, and the Netherlands to the list of Finland's principal trading partners. Nov 08, 2016
In the Economy section, added Switzerland and Trinidad and Tobago to the list of trading partners. Nov 08, 2016
In Languages, Religion, Settlement patterns, and Demographic trends sections, added data charts. Nov 08, 2016
In the Trade section, added data charts. Nov 08, 2016
In Languages section, noted that Russian and Estonian are spoken; in Religion section noted that the religious orientation of about one-fourth of Finns is unknown; and in Settlement patterns noted that more than four-fifths of the po0pulation is urban. Nov 08, 2016
In the Relief section, changed Mount "Haltia" to Mount "Halti." Sep 23, 2016
Country Profile: Updated official names. Mar 09, 2016
Changed the number of seats won by the National Coalition Party from "38" to "37." Dec 30, 2015
Changed Gallén-Kallela to ?Gallen-Kallela? and ?Edelfeldt? to ?Edelfelt.? Jun 10, 2015
Country Profile: Updated Head of government. Jun 01, 2015
Added a description of the results of the April 2015 parliamentary elections. Jun 01, 2015
Media added. May 28, 2015
Changed Gallén-Kallela to ?Gallen-Kallela.? May 28, 2015
Expanded the description of holidays in the Daily life and social customs section. May 28, 2015
Added video. May 14, 2015
Replaced map. Aug 29, 2014
Noted that Jyrki Katainen resigned as prime minister in June 2014 and was replaced by Alexander Stubb. Jul 01, 2014
Add new Web site: Maps of World - Finland. Feb 13, 2014
Description of the elimination of provinces and elevation of regions as largest unit of local government added in Government and society section. Apr 11, 2013
Removed mention of defunct provinces in Land section. Apr 11, 2013
Changed number of Olympic gold medals won by Paavo Nurmi from six to nine in Sports and recreation section. Apr 11, 2013
Changed mention of the province of Lapland to the region of Lappi in the Ethnic groups section. Apr 11, 2013
Revised country political map added. Apr 11, 2013
Added description of the formation of the NCP-Social Democrat government and the Finnish role in the EU bailouts of Greece and Spain. Apr 11, 2013
Add new Web site: Official Tourism Site of Finland. Apr 02, 2013
Add new Web site: Official Tourism Site of Finland. Dec 14, 2012
Add new Web site: - Finland. Dec 14, 2012
Bibliography revised. Jul 18, 2012
Country Profile: Added Sauli Niinisto as president. Jul 03, 2012
Added results of 2012 presidential election. Jul 03, 2012
Country Profile: Added name of head of state and head of government, along with urban-rural, life expectancy, literacy, and GNI per capita statistics. Feb 28, 2012
Added photographs of a sauna to the Daily life section and of the Helsinki railway station to the Arts, Architecture, and Design section. May 10, 2011
Added photographs of Lake Saimaa, a forest, the Helsinki archipelgo, cloudberries, brown bear, and reindeer. May 10, 2011
Added a photograph of Helsinki to the Settlement patterns section and of a cathedral to the religion section. May 10, 2011
Added results of March 2011 parliamentary elections. Apr 18, 2011
Added description of ascent of Mari Kiviniemi to prime minister. Jun 23, 2010
Updated geologic time data. May 17, 2010
Country Profile: Updated area and population figures. Mar 11, 2010
Changed the translation of tietokone from "thinking machine" to "knowledge machine." Jan 21, 2010
In Introduction, deleted reference to the European Community, which was eliminated in 2009. Jan 08, 2010
Added new Web site: National Geographic - Travel and Cultures - Finland. Apr 20, 2009
Added new Web site: Old and Sold - Finland. Feb 27, 2009
Added new Web site: How Stuff Works - Geography - Geography of Finland. Jul 11, 2008
Article revised and updated. Sep 28, 2007
Government section upated. Sep 27, 2007
Introduction revised. Sep 27, 2007
Land section revised and updated. Sep 27, 2007
People section revised and updated. Sep 27, 2007
Economy section updated. Sep 27, 2007
Cultiral life section updated. Sep 27, 2007
Bibliography revised and updated. Sep 27, 2007
Added new Web site: The Catholic Encyclopedia - Finland. Dec 19, 2006
Added new Web site: Library of Congress - Finland - Selected Internet Resources. Aug 08, 2006
Added new Web site: Official Site of the Embassy of Finland in Washington, D.C. Aug 01, 2006
Added new Web site: Central Intelligence Agency - The World Factbook - Finland. Jul 26, 2006
Added new Web site: The Official Site of the Embassy of Finland, Washington, D.C. and the Consulates General of Finland, New York and Los Angeles. Jul 24, 2006
Added new Web site: Parliament of Finland. May 29, 2006
Article revised. Apr 28, 2005
Article revised. May 11, 2001
Article revised. Apr 27, 2001
Article revised. Jan 24, 2000
Article added to new online database. Jul 26, 1999
View Changes:
Article History