Mammals, BLA-COA

Mammals are distinguished by their ability to produce milk. The class Mammalia boasts tremendous diversity in form and habit, and different types of mammals can be wildly different from one another in physical appearance. Living kinds of mammals range in size from a bat weighing less than a gram to the largest animal that has ever lived, the blue whale, which reaches a length or more than 30 metres (100 feet) and a weight of 180 metric tons (nearly 200 short [U.S.] tons).
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Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title

black bear
black bear, (Ursus americanus), the most common bear (family Ursidae), found in the forests of North America, including......
black panther
black panther, colloquial term used to refer to large felines classified in the genus Panthera that are characterized......
black rhinoceros
black rhinoceros, (Diceros bicornis), the third largest rhinoceros and one of two African species of rhinoceros.......
black-tailed deer
black-tailed deer, Pacific Northwest subspecies of the mule deer...
blackbuck, (Antilope cervicapra), an antelope (family Bovidae) indigenous to the plains of India. The blackbuck......
blesbok, (Damaliscus pygargus phillipsi), one of the gaudiest of the antelopes, a South African version of the......
blesmol, (family Bathyergidae), any of about a dozen species of burrowing African rodents that live in arid regions......
blind mole rat
blind mole rat, (subfamily Spalacinae), any of eight species of burrowing rodents living in the eastern Mediterranean......
bloodhound, breed of dog unsurpassed by any other in scenting ability and from which most of the scent-hunting......
blue sheep
blue sheep, (genus Pseudois), either of two species of sheeplike mammals, family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla),......
blue whale
blue whale, (Balaenoptera musculus), the most massive animal ever to have lived, a species of baleen whale that......
boar, any of the wild members of the pig species Sus scrofa, family Suidae. The term boar is also used to designate......
bobcat, (Lynx rufus), bobtailed North American cat (family Felidae), found from southern Canada to southern Mexico.......
Boer, South African breed of goat, the most productive meat goat in the world. Millions of Boer goats are raised......
bongo, (Tragelaphus eurycerus), the largest, most colourful, and most sociable of the African forest antelopes,......
bonnet monkey
bonnet monkey, (Macaca radiata), macaque of southern India named for the thatch of long hair forming a cap, or......
bonobo, (Pan paniscus), ape that was regarded as a subspecies of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) until 1933, when......
border collie
border collie, breed of herding dog, typically an outstanding sheepdog, which has been used along the English-Scottish......
border terrier
border terrier, breed of terrier developed in the border country of England and Scotland to hunt and kill foxes......
Borhyaenidae, family of extinct South American marsupial mammals occurring from the Early Paleocene Epoch into......
borzoi, breed of hound dog developed in Russia to pursue wolves. It is descended from the Arabian greyhound and......
Boskop skull
Boskop skull, human fossil remnant consisting of a portion of a skull dome unearthed in 1913 by labourers on a......
Boston Terrier
Boston Terrier, breed of dog developed in the latter half of the 19th century in Boston. Bred from the English......
bottlenose dolphin
bottlenose dolphin, (genus Tursiops), any of two or three species of oceanic dolphins classified within the marine......
bottlenose whale
bottlenose whale, any of five species of beaked whales distinguished by a bulbous forehead that drops sharply to......
bouvier des Flandres
bouvier des Flandres, cattle-driving dog noted for its working ability. The breed originated in southwestern Flanders......
bovid, (family Bovidae), any hoofed mammal in the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla), which includes the antelopes,......
Boxer, smooth-haired working dog breed named for its manner of “boxing” with its sturdy front paws when fighting.......
Brahman, any of several varieties of cattle originating in India and crossbred in the United States with improved......
briard, French sheepdog breed mentioned in French records of the 12th century and depicted in medieval French tapestries.......
Brittany, breed of sporting dog that points and retrieves game; although it was formerly called the Brittany spaniel,......
brocket, any of several small deer constituting the genus Mazama of the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla), and......
brontothere, member of an extinct genus (Brontotherium) of large, hoofed, herbivorous mammals found as fossils......
brown bat
brown bat, any of the bats belonging to the genera Myotis (little brown bats) or Eptesicus (big brown bats). Both......
brown bear
brown bear, (Ursus arctos), shaggy-haired bear (family Ursidae) native to Europe, Asia, and northwestern North......
brown four-eyed opossum
brown four-eyed opossum, (Metachirus nudicaudatus), the only large American marsupial (family Didelphidae, subfamily......
brown rat
brown rat, (Rattus norvegicus), species of rat (family Muridae) found on every continent except Antarctica. The......
Brown Swiss
Brown Swiss, cattle breed native to Switzerland and probably one of the oldest breeds in existence. While these......
Brussels griffon
Brussels griffon, breed of toy dog developed in late 19th-century Belgium from the affenpinscher and an ordinary......
bull, in animal husbandry, the mature, uncastrated male of domesticated cattle. See also bull cult and...
Bull Terrier
Bull Terrier, breed of dog developed in 19th-century England from the Bulldog, the White English Terrier (a breed......
Bulldog, breed of dog developed centuries ago in England for use in fighting bulls (bullbaiting). Characteristically......
bulldog bat
bulldog bat, (family Noctilionidae), either of two tropical Central and South American bats that are among the......
Burmese, breed of domestic cat, presumably of Asian origin. The Burmese is a compactly built cat with a small,......
bush baby
bush baby, (family Galagidae), any of more than 20 species of small attractive arboreal primates native to sub-Saharan......
bush dog
bush dog, (Speothos venaticus), small stocky carnivore of the family Canidae found in the forests and savannas......
bush pig
bush pig, (Potamochoerus porcus), African member of the family Suidae (order Artiodactyla), resembling a hog but......
bushbuck, (Tragelaphus scriptus), African antelope of the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla), found in sub-Saharan......
cacomistle, (Bassariscus), either of two species of large-eyed, long-tailed carnivores related to the raccoon (family......
cairn terrier
cairn terrier, working terrier breed developed in Scotland to rout vermin from cairns (rock piles). The modern......
calico cat
calico cat, In North America, a blotched or spotted domestic cat, usually predominantly white with red and black......
camel, (genus Camelus), any of three species of large ruminating hoofed mammals of arid Africa and Asia known for......
Camelops, extinct genus of large camels that existed from the Late Pliocene Epoch to the end of the Pleistocene......
Canaan dog
Canaan dog, breed of herding dog developed in Israel in the 20th century from semiwild pariah dogs that were the......
Cane Corso
Cane Corso, breed of mastiff dog descended from Molossian war dogs of ancient Rome and subsequently bred in Italy......
cane rat
cane rat, (genus Thryonomys), either of two species of large, stocky African rodent. Weighing up to 7 kg (more......
canine, (family Canidae), any of 36 living species of foxes, wolves, jackals, and other members of the dog family.......
Cape buffalo
Cape buffalo, (Syncerus caffer caffer), the largest and most formidable of Africa’s wild bovids (family Bovidae)......
capuchin monkey
capuchin monkey, (genus Cebus), common Central and South American primate found in tropical forests from Nicaragua......
capybara, (genus Hydrochoerus), either of two species of large semiaquatic South American rodents. Capybaras inhabit......
caracal, (Caracal caracal), short-tailed cat (family Felidae) found in hills, deserts, and plains of Africa, the......
carnivore, any member of the mammalian order Carnivora (literally, “flesh devourers” in Latin), comprising more......
cashmere goat
cashmere goat, a breed of domestic goat valued for its soft wool, used for the manufacture of cashmere shawls.......
Castorocauda, genus of extinct beaverlike mammals known from fossils dated to the Middle Jurassic (175.6 million......
Castoroides, extinct genus of giant beavers found as fossils in Pleistocene deposits in North America (the Pleistocene......
cat, (Felis catus), domesticated member (felid) of the family Felidae. The family is generally divided between......
cats as pets
Cats are second only to dogs as the most common pets in the world. Their association with humans goes back thousands......
cattle, domesticated bovine farm animals that are raised for their meat, milk, or hides or for draft purposes.......
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, breed of toy dog developed from the English Toy Spaniel in the early 1900s. The......
cave bear
cave bear, either of two extinct bear species, Ursus spelaeus and U. deningeri, notable for their habit of inhabiting......
cavy, (family Caviidae), any of 14 species of South American rodents comprising guinea pigs, maras, yellow-toothed......
Cayuse, North American wild or tame horse, descended from horses taken to the New World by the Spanish in the 16th......
cetacean, (order Cetacea), any member of an entirely aquatic group of mammals commonly known as whales, dolphins,......
chacma, species of baboon...
Chalicotherium, genus of extinct perissodactyls, the order including the horse and rhinoceros. Fossil remains of......
chamois, (genus Rupicapra), either of two species of goatlike animal, belonging to the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla),......
Chancelade skeleton
Chancelade skeleton, fossil remains of a human (genus Homo) discovered in 1888 in a rock shelter at Chancelade,......
Charolais, breed of large light-coloured cattle developed in France for draft purposes but now kept for beef production......
cheetah, (Acinonyx jubatus), one of the world’s most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. Cheetahs’......
Chesapeake Bay retriever
Chesapeake Bay retriever, breed of sporting dog, developed in the United States in the 19th century to retrieve......
Cheviot, breed of hardy, medium-wool, white-faced, hornless sheep developed in Scotland and Northumberland, England.......
chevrotain, (family Tragulidae), any of about 10 species of small, delicately built, hoofed mammals that constitute......
Chihuahua dog
Chihuahua dog, smallest recognized dog breed, named for the Mexican state of Chihuahua, where it was first noted......
chimpanzee, (Pan troglodytes), species of ape that, along with the bonobo, is most closely related to humans. Chimpanzees......
chinchilla, (genus Chinchilla), either of two South American species of medium-sized rodents long valued for their......
chinchilla rat
chinchilla rat, any of six South American species of rodents that superficially resemble a chinchilla but are more......
Chinese crested
Chinese crested, breed of toy dog of ancient ancestry; it is one of the hairless breeds, its coat being confined......
Chinese Shar-Pei
Chinese Shar-Pei, breed of dog noted for its loose skin and wrinkles. Once considered to be among the rarest dog......
Chinese water deer
Chinese water deer, (Hydropotes inermis), very small Asian deer of the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla), native......
chipmunk, (genus Tamias), any of 25 species of small, striped, terrestrial squirrels with large internal cheek......
chiru, (Panthalops hodgsoni), a small, gregarious, graceful antelope-like mammal of the family Bovidae (order Artiodactyla)......
chital, (Cervus axis, sometimes Axis axis), Asiatic deer, belonging to the family Cervidae (order Artiodactyla).......
chow chow
Chow Chow, breed of dog that differs from most others in having a blue-black tongue. The breed originated in China......
civet, any of a number of long-bodied, short-legged carnivores of the family Viverridae. There are about 15 to......
Cleveland Bay
Cleveland Bay, breed of horse notable for its strength, endurance, and beauty and for its prepotency—i.e., its......
cloud rat
cloud rat, any of six species of slow-moving, nocturnal, tree-dwelling rodents found only in Philippine forests.......
clouded leopard
clouded leopard, strikingly marked cat, very similar in colouring and coat pattern to the smaller, unrelated marbled......
Clumber spaniel
Clumber spaniel, breed of sporting dog, the heaviest of the spaniel family, said to have originated in France before......
Clydesdale, heavy draft-horse breed that originated in Lanarkshire, Scotland, near the River Clyde. The breed was......
coati, (genus Nasua), any of three species of omnivore related to raccoons (family Procyonidae). Coatis are found......

Mammals Encyclopedia Articles By Title