Ethan Doyle White
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Possessing a PhD in Medieval History and Archaeology from University College London, Ethan Doyle White writes on religion, folklore, history, and archaeology - with a particular focus on areas of cultural marginality such as contemporary Paganism and modern witchcraft beliefs.
Primary Contributions (7)
Modern Paganism, family of new religions that all take their inspiration from the extinct pre-Christian religions of Europe, North Africa, and West Asia. Modern Pagan approaches to these past religions vary, from those that try to imitate particular pre-Christian traditions with a high degree of…
Publications (3)
Wicca: History, Belief & Community in Modern Pagan Witchcraft (Sussex Library of Religious Beliefs & Practice)
The Past Century Has Born Witness To A Growing Interest In The Belief Systems Of Ancient Europe, With An Array Of Contemporary Pagan Groups Claiming To Revive These Old Ways For The Needs Of The Modern World. By Far The Largest And Best Known Of These Paganisms Has Been Wicca, A New Religious Movement That Can Now Count Hundreds Of Thousands Of Adherents Worldwide. Emerging From The Occult Milieu Of Mid Twentieth-century Britain, Wicca Was First Presented As The Survival Of An Ancient Pre-christian...
Magic and Witchery in the Modern West: Celebrating the Twentieth Anniversary of 'The Triumph of the Moon' (Palgrave Historical Studies in Witchcraft and Magic)
This Book Marks Twenty Years Since The Publication Of Professor Ronald Hutton's The Triumph Of The Moon, A Major Contribution To The Historical Study Of Wicca. Building On And Celebrating Hutton's Pioneering Work, The Chapters In This Volume Explore A Range Of Modern Magical, Occult, And Pagan Groups Active In Western Nations. Each Contributor Is A Specialist In The Study Of Modern Paganism And Occultism, Although Differ In Their Embrace Of Historical, Anthropological, And Psychological Perspectives....